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International Islamic College (IIC) provides Clubs and Societies to all the students to explore and learn new things together. We believe a student’s life would not be complete without clubs. Feel the new experiences, spark creativity and passion, get to know a diverse range of people and have fun! We offers several clubs for you to choose.






Student Representative Council (SRC) is an organization under International Islamic College. They are the middle organization between student and management of IIC. Their duty is to help everything related with the student affair’s. The are responsible on any action of club and event held in college.


Clubs and societies that are under IIC’s schools
ICTS (Information Creative Technology Society) is a club under school of Information & Technology. Their goal is to expose about technology world to student not from the programme. They having a workshop learning about programming, graphic design, 3D animation and much more. IICHMS (International Islamic College Halal Industry Management’s Society) is a club under programme Halal Management. Their goals to be a catalyst in disseminating and expanding knowledge of Halal to every individual and society & Inform and disclose all current issues regarding the halal industry to society. DBFAS (Diploma in Islamic Banking & Finance Apprentice Society) is a club under programme Islamic Banking & Finance.Their mission is to provide the opportunity for every students to actively participate in college life through co-curricular learning and programs. They also create and modify student activities to better meet the need of student. ECSA ( Early Childhood Students Association ) had been established on May 2011. Their goals is to promote professionalism, create opportunities for networking and build relationships among students in ECE. Also serves and increase awareness of careers in ECE & provide a wealth of idea to share among members.
Clubs and societies that are under IIC’s STADD (Students Affairs and Development Division)
ARCHOFIIC (Arcgery Of IIC) is an archery sport club of International Islamic College. Archery is one of sunnah in Islam sport. They will guide you learning about archery & how to used the tools. IDEAS (IIC Debate and Speech) was initiated to build and establishing progressive speakers.Realizing the convincing in public speaking could impact much to circumstances. The club has derived to produce the great speakers from many countries and nations. MUVOC (Music & Vocal Club) is a music club.Their objective is to introduce, promote music and vocal among students through learning process and performance opportunities. They also provide student with knowledge music and vocal on their own and attract students with cooperating in organizing event. SINCERE is a charity club. Their mission helping to guide others who is in need, also creating a friendly environment inside and outside of the campus.They also want to create an environment that is supportive to each other and initiating in making the campus life more harmonious and exciting.
Clubs and societies that are under and manage by other organization.
IIC Badminton Club (IICBC) is a badminton sports club under college. Their mission is to foster brotherhood, harmony, decency and decency among members through the inclusion of various sports, welfare and community activities. GPMS (Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung) is a non-governmental organization to be represented by the Malay peninsula. Their objective is to help students by volunteer in students needs. They doing charity work like clean Orang Asli villages and many more. HARMONI is a volunteer club in empower dakwah and tarbiah in mainstreaming Islamic thought on campus. They also produce the holistic of leaders among the students & building students who are concerned with the universal of virtue and humanity. PSSGM (Persatuan Silat Gayung Bumi Khalifah) is the martial art club. Silat Gayong is Malaysian traditional martial art as self-defenses in danger situation. TheY will teach the correct movement and technique on how to apply it in real life situation.
WATANIAH is the military reserve force of the Malaysian Army. You will be provide a week of life experience live like an army like sleep in jungle, eat the army’s jungle meal, experience using weapons such as rifles, pistols, snipers and light army activities.


SICT – Sembang Santai Bersama Alumni 2020

SICT has held an alumni talk program at IIC ODL Centre. The purpose of this program is to inspire the students to be progressive and never give up to achieve success. Three former IIC students (alumni) were invited to give a talk in the program.

DCISS Club – IIC Club Open Day Event 2020

On 24th until 25th February 2020, (DCISS) has been joining the Club Open Day Event which organized by Ideas Club. The event took place within 2 days (Monday and Tuesday). The venue of the event was at International Islamic College (IIC) Great Hall. The event started at 9.00PM in the morning and finished slightly at 4.00PM.

HARMONI Club – Al-Tanazuh Programme 2020

Harmoni Club held the Al-Tanazuh Programme. The aim of the programme is to fulfil quality time with health and bridging the ‘ukhuwah’ between students with ‘HARMONI’ mainboard. The programme is conducted on 13th and 14th March 2020.

ARCHOFIIC – Pertandingan Memanah Terbuka Rawang 2019 

On 11th October 2019, ARCHOFIIC participated Rawang Archery Open competition held in Rawang. ARCHOFIIC has sent 2 representatives to carry the IIC name in the competition, but they failed to advance for the medal round. Although lost, ARCHOFIIC gained  very valuable experience from the competition.

IIC Badminton Club – Sukan Pengajian Islam Tinggi Malaysia Tournament 2019

The Sukan Pengajian Tinggi Islam Malaysia (SUPTIM) was joined by IIC Badminton Club that held at Melaka in 2019. The objective was to gain experiences and to cultivate pillars of the future of Badminton in IIC. The team had managed to won 3rd place for the theme of team match tournament.

IDEAS Club – Digital Road Tour to SMA Sultan Ismail Dungun, Terengganu 2019

On 13th September 2019 which was Thursday, department Media and Publication of IIC Debate and Speech held an program Digital Road Tour to SMASID. That program started from 13th September until 15th September 2019 was going smooth. 10 committee was going to SMASID with one lecturer. It was supported and agreed by all committees.

PSSGM Bumi Khalifah – IIC Graduation Silat Demo Convofest 2019

On 23th December 2019, PSSGM Club has performed a martial arts Silat  performance during the IIC graduation day which was held at International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) Gombak. A total of 15 PSSGM members were selected to perform on the day.

ESCA Club – Carrer Consult Program 

On Saturday, 2 November 2019, ECSA provided a program about career to consult the student on their journey after study. The venue was in E-201, International Islamic College. It was open to everyone especially the internship students. The program was lead by Sir Norhasril Hafiz.


Husamuddin Bin Faisal Lotpi

Counselor of Student Affairs and Development Division (STADD)
Tel: 017-288 5229 / 019-771 5141