

Campus Life

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PTPTN for Diploma 


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No one leaves their house in search of knowledge but that angels will lower their wings in approval of what he is doing.

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 226, Grade: Sahih

For a better experience in the teaching and learning life, we provide good facilities related to academic and non-academic facilities to make sure you feel more comfortable.


Study LAW without practical/role play, it is like eating rice without chicken curry and sambal. This Moot Court is located at level 2. This facilities purposely for the student who studies Diploma in LAW and any programme/courses related, use it and feel it.


Practising like a pro! In addition, we have an experienced lecturer in photography can teach you the right knowledge about photography. We provide related types of equipment for you to become a greater photographer and designer. So be it!


Love drawing? Here the place where you can express your artwork and painting. We provide various types of equipment for you to become an artist. Use it because it is yours. 


Allocated at ground Floor. This Great Hall is used for an event such as a grand event, student activities, new student intake, examination and more. This hall that occupied 400 peoples  with equipped with Sound System and signage stand 10 pieces


This lecture hall able to occupied 50 – 40 numbers of students. Large space for student activities as well.


The library is the best place to isolate yourself study quietly. Easy to find related academic book and also a non-academic book. If you are having a group discussion, the library provides discussion rooms, pick one and make discussion without intruding other students.


Love to play futsal. We have two futsal courts. You may use it FOC. Play with your friends or teams eventho practising or tournament.


Stay healthy and fit! IIC provides gymnasium equipment include treadmill, bicycle gymnasium, dumbells and many more.


Getting sick and waiting for further treatment, student of staff will be allocated temporary at this sickbay. There are two sections separately based on gender. Other equipment related such as first aid kits, wheelchair, patient stretcher, walking stick and others.


Need guidance in your education and study life. No worries, we provide the counsellors to discuss your needs and problems. Located at level 3. You may freely go there and much better if you make an appointment first.


Feeling hunger after study, let’s come to our cafe. The open-air cafe concept suitable to hang-out with your friend, having a chit-chat, discussion, so be it. Feeling hot because of the sun, no worries fans provided.


As a Muslim, the important place we must have is Musolla. We have a separated room for male and female. Located at East wing and ground level. You may use this room for any related activities such as usrah activities, reciting Quran, and many more.


IIC provide transportation for a student who lives in the hostel. Instead of that, you may book our van/MPV if you have field-trip study outside collage. *T&C applied.